From Office

So now I am blogging from office! :p
Well it is about office... I made a cool new animation which is featured on DeskAway's blog you can check that out

Was having an interesting conversation with my office people about the meaning of their names, and it is a funny conversation.

Swati says her name is of a nakshatra (a kind of vedic contellations). So when the light from Swati falls on an oyster it creates a pearl!
I love these kinda stories about people, and when your name is involved in it, the story becomes so personal!

My name which I happen to share with another person in office means embodiment of love or lovable :p

Nilesh means endless.

Komal means soft, flower name.

:) So these are the people I am working with right now.

Does your name have any story behind it, that is dear to you?

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