Social media for Startups: Metrics and Measurability

Had a small talk in office, last Friday about web security including XSS and MySQL injections. Later we watched a video by Dave McClure on startups. It included a fair bit of ideas and tips for social media usage. What I really liked and agreed with was that social media usage for businesses does not end at marketing, generating content etc.. it includes metrics and measurabilities.

I have been hearing many ideas around the web that social media is something that any kid in college can pick up. Many people think its not a REAL job. This is not really true, because using social media for businesses includes not just using the platforms to push your content. I should mention that generating good content is not as easy as it might seem! Moreover it includes measurability, analysis, tracking and then strategizing. These things are fairly technical making this job like any other!

Start-up Metrics that Matter by Dave McClure from Carsonified on Vimeo.

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